Level 3, Therapies Annexe (84A)
The University of Queensland
St Lucia QLD 4072, Australia
Office hours
Monday to Friday, 8.30am–5pm
General enquiries
Phone: (07) 3365 4506
Fax: (07) 3346 8789
Peter Magee Registrar - Associate Lecturer |
Dr Shin-ju Hwang School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Miss Shu Mei Teo School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Andrea Abel Clinic Manager / Educator – Speech Pathology and Telerehabilitation & Casual Academic & Clinical Mgr/Educator - SP & Telere
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 336 53081 |
Ms Carolina Acuna Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Christina Adams Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Valerie Adams Casual Research Assistant
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Caitlin Ahrens Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Mark Ahrens Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr MD Tasnim Alam | |
Mrs Emma Alegre Casual Academic (General)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Miss Nishani Algama Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Tahlia Alsop Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Casual Academic - SPH
School of Public Health Casual Senior Research Assistant
RECOVER Injury Research Centre Research Fellow
School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences |
Mrs Divya Anantharaman Casual Academic SHRS
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Casual Graduation Assistant
Graduations and Progression Casual Academic (General)
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Behavioural Sciences |
Mr Chris Anderson Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Casual Academic (General)
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Behavioural Sciences |
Mr Garry Anderson Adjunct Associate Lecturer & Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Annemarie Angelovski Casual Senior Research Assistant
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Associate Professor Anthony Angwin Head of Speech Pathology A/Prof in Speech Pathology
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of University of Queensland Centre for Hearing Research (CHEAR)
Centre for Hearing Research Affiliate of Queensland Aphasia Research Centre (QARC)
Queensland Aphasia Research Centre |
+61 7 334 67460 |
Mrs Lauren Annear Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Pavi Anoop Casual Simulated Patient
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Aparna Arjunan | |
Dr Rebecca Armstrong Lecturer in Speech Pathology
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of Parenting and Family Support Centre
Parenting and Family Support Centre |
+61 7 334 67832 |
Mr Drew Ashton Senior Officer, Student and Academic Administration
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 336 52777 |
Mr Benjamin Aspinall Casual Simulated Patient
Medical School (Greater Brisbane Clinical School) Casual Simulated Patient
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Roslyn Aspinall Casual Simulated Patient
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Megan Auld Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Timothy Austin Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Gashaw Ayehu | |
Ms Juliet Bailey Casual Admin Assistant
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Sivakumar Balasubramanian Honorary Principal Fellow
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Hayley Baldwin Academic Title - Associate Lecturer Academic Title - Associate Lecturer & Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Jessica Banks Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Michael Barber Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Jacqui Barfoot Casual Guest Lecturer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Panos Barlas Casual Academic (General)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Rhiannon Barnes Adjunct Senior Lecturer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Tessa Barnett Casual Clinical Educator -Sp Clinic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Kim Barron Senior Research Assistant
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of Queensland Aphasia Research Centre (QARC)
Queensland Aphasia Research Centre |
Mrs Rajna Barry Senior Administration Officer (Work Integrated Learning Placements)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 334 61153 |
Mr David Battersby Casual Academic (Physiotherapy)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Amanda Baxter Casual Academic-SHRS
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Casual Academic - SPH
School of Public Health |
Mr Brett Baxter Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Patrick Beaumont | |
Associate Professor Belinda Beck Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Simone Bell Casual Academic & Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Georgia Bellas Casual Academic (Occupational Therapy)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Honorary Professor Kim Bennell Honorary Professor
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Bec Bennett Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Leone Bennett | |
Dr Manuela Besomi Molina Research Fellow
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Dr of School of Biomedical Sciences
School of Biomedical Sciences Affiliate of Centre for Innovation in Pain and Health Research (CIPHeR)
Centre for Innovation in Pain and Health Research |
Miss Ruth Bevan Principal Clinical Educator - Physiotherapy
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Anne-Laurence Bibost Administration Officer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Jennifer Bickerstaff Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Jamie Bills Casual Principal Research Allied Health Clinician
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Nicholas Bland Postdoctoral Research Fellow & Research Fellow
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Casual Academic
School of Psychology |
Ms Anna Blencowe Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Alison Blyth Casual Academic (General)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Brie-Louise Bobinskas | |
Mrs Vanessa Bond Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Peta Booth Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Joris Borgdorff Industry Fellow |
Miss Anthea Bott HEARing CRC PHD Scholarship |
Mrs Jill Boughen Casual Clinical Educator
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Miss Jacinta Bounkeua Casual Simulation Role Player
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Matthew Bourne Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Hanna Bowler Cas Clinical Educator Speech Clinic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Robyn Box Casual Lecturer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Chris Brady Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Honorary Professor Marian Brady School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Caitlin Brandenburg Casual Research Assistant & Honorary Senior Research Fellow
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Grace Branjerdporn Casual Tutor
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Casual Space Auditor
Space Management |
Mrs Debra Braund Casual Speech Pathologist
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Emma Bray Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Terra Bredy Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Kate Brennan Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Kieran Broome Casual Academic - Occupational Therapy
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Simone Brown OT Clinical Educator
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Chloe Bryant Associate Lecturer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Liz Buckman Casual SP Work
SOMSouthern - Medicine - Princess Alexandra Hospital Casual Academic PHTY3250
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Abdullah Al-Mamun Bulbul Casual On-Campus Exam Tech Assistant
Examinations and Timetable Services |
Emeritus Professor Margaret Bullock Emeritus Professor
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Joanne Bullock-Saxton Honorary Senior Fellow
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Miss Kathryn Bulmer UQ Health and Rehabilitation Clinics Practice Manager - SHRS Clinics
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 334 67459 |
Ms Nicola Burn Casual Academic & Casual Research Assistant & Casual Senior Project Officer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Kaylea Burns Clinical Educator & Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Bridget Burton Senior Project Officer & Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Casual Academic
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science |
Adjunct Professor Peter Buttrum Adjunct Professor
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Miss Kathleen Byrne Casual Academic -Physiotherapy
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Louise Cahill Research Assistant & Casual Academic (General) & Casual Research Speech Pathologist & Casual Principal Research Allied Health Clinician
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of Queensland Aphasia Research Centre (QARC)
Queensland Aphasia Research Centre |
Mr Martin Cahill Academic Title-Associate Lecturer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Daniella Cain Clinical Education Liaison Manager & Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 334 67463 |
Mrs Emma Caird Senior Research Assistant
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of Queensland Aphasia Research Centre (QARC)
Queensland Aphasia Research Centre |
+61 7 344 38294 |
Mrs Ashley Callaghan Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Fiona Canny Casual Academic (Occupational Therapy)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Jacinta Carroll Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Lawrence Caruana Casual Academic PHTY & Casual Academic PHTY250 & Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Patrick Castelli Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Joy Castles Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Jacob Cavanagh Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Melody Mei Yan Chan Postdoctoral Research Fellow/Research Officer
Queensland Brain Institute Casual Academic (HRSS/CIDH)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr John Chapman Casual Academic (Physiotherapy)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Stefanie Chau Casual Storesperson & Casual Academic - Biomedical Sciences
School of Biomedical Sciences Casual Operations and Facilities support
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Miss Megan Chiang Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Rick Chiang Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Melissa Chin Casual Academic & Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Angela Ching Clinical Trials Manager
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Behavioural Sciences |
Dr Teresa Ching Honorary Professor
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of University of Queensland Centre for Hearing Research (CHEAR)
Centre for Hearing Research |
Miss Pei-Jun Chou | |
Dr Angela Clarke Honorary Lecturer & Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Andrew Claus Honorary Senior Lecturer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Asako Clear Administrative Assistant
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Georgina Clutterbuck Lecturer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 334 69396 |
Mr Audric Co Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Frances Cole Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Associate Professor Natalie Collins Associate Professor
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of Centre for Innovation in Pain and Health Research (CIPHeR)
Centre for Innovation in Pain and Health Research |
+61 7 336 52124 |
Mr Martin Collyer Casual Academic - Anatomy
School of Biomedical Sciences Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Sally Colwell Casual Academic (Occupational Therapy)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Stacey Compton Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Miss Carmen Connelly Casual Academic (General)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Professor David Copland Co-Director, STARS Education & Research Alliance
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Behavioural Sciences Professor
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Centre Director of Queensland Aphasia Research Centre (QARC)
Queensland Aphasia Research Centre |
+61 7 336 55224 |
Dr Anna Copley Lecturer in Speech Pathology Lecturer in Speech Pathology
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 336 56087 |
Professor Jodie Copley Head of Occupational Therapy & Professor
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 336 53011 |
Mrs Fiona Corbett Casual Academic (Physiotherapy)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Kelly Costa Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Nathalia Costa Adjunct Research Fellow
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Senior Research Fellow
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research Infrastructure) Senior Research Fellow
UQ Centre for Clinical Research Affiliate of Centre for Innovation in Pain and Health Research (CIPHeR)
Centre for Innovation in Pain and Health Research |
Ms Kate Coughlan Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Tara Alison Courtney Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Lauren Cox Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Casual Research Assistant
School of Business Casual Academic Developer: Professional learning & Associate Lecturer, Professional Learning in Higher Education
Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation |
Dr Emma Crawford Lecturer in Occupational Therapy Lecturer in Occupational Therapy
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 336 52793 +61 7 336 54526 |
Mr Stephen Crear Operations & Facilities Officer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 336 52143 |
Mrs Jane Crombie Casual Academic & Business Title Principal Clinical Educator - Speech Pathology & Telerehabilitation
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Miss Emma Crook Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Honorary Professor Kay Crossley School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Honorary Professor Bruce Crosson School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Professor Madeline Nicole Cruice Honorary Professor
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Melissa Crunkhorn Academic Title - Associate Lecturer Casual Academic (General)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Yudi Cui Student and Academic Administration Officer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Chloe Cummins Casual Academic - Physio
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Shena Dale Casual Academic (Physiotherapy)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Catherine Daly Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Samuel Daniels Casual Academic (Occupational Therapy)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Miss Nikolina Davidovic ATH - Associate Lecturer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Sarah Davies Casual Academic & Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Professor Piers Dawes Co-Director of Research Training Centre Director
Centre for Hearing Research (CHEAR) Professor
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Centre Director of University of Queensland Centre for Hearing Research (CHEAR)
Centre for Hearing Research |
+61 7 344 33769 |
Mr Alex De Jonge Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Desleigh De Jonge Academic Title-Lecturer Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Casual Research Specialist
Centre for the Business and Economics of Health |
Mrs Manikkkuge Dumini de Silva | |
Mrs Bernadette Dellar | |
Mr Karl Denvir Casual Academic (Physiotherapy)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Ryan Deslandes Senior Research Assistant
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of Queensland Aphasia Research Centre (QARC)
Queensland Aphasia Research Centre |
Ms Shleshma Dhakal | |
Dr Alexandra Diggles Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Jade Dignam Research Fellow
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of Queensland Aphasia Research Centre (QARC)
Queensland Aphasia Research Centre |
Dr Alana Dinsdale Lecturer in Physiotherapy
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of Centre for Innovation in Pain and Health Research (CIPHeR)
Centre for Innovation in Pain and Health Research |
+61 7 336 54528 |
Mrs Daniela Dixon Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Samantha Dixon Casual Academic & Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Melissa Dobbie Casual Tutor
School of Mathematics and Physics Casual Academic - SHRS General
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Honorary Professor Barbara Dodd Honorary Professor
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Emmah Doig Conjoint Research Fellow in Occupational Therapy
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Sam Donaldson Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Michael Donovan Clinical Education Liaison Manager
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 336 54508 |
Ms Phoebe Dorgelo Senior Research Assistant
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 344 38297 |
Adjunct Professor Dimity Dornan Adjunct Professor & Adjunct Professor
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Carla dos Reis Casual Academic (General)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Natalie Dos Santos Clinical Trials Supervisor
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 344 36401 |
Mr Alexander Downie Casual Academic - Physiotherapy & Casual Research Assistant
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Cerys Downing Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Associate Professor Carlie Driscoll Head of Audiology Affiliate of University of Queensland Centre for Hearing Research (CHEAR)
Centre for Hearing Research Associate Professor in Audiology
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 336 53095 |
Ms Claron Driscoll Administrative Assistant, Work integrated Learning (Placements)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 334 67468 |
Ms Bronwyn Drysdale Casual Academic (General)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Zoe Du Cann | |
Mr Connor Duff Casual Academic - Physio
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Jemma Duffy Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Ruth Dunwoodie Clinical Education Liaison Manager
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Acting Chair, Clinical Education Committee |
+61 7 336 52012 |
Ms Ava Duszko Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Iain Dutia Casual Academic EXMD3070 SEM2/16
School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences |
Ms Kristen Eales Casual Academic - Physio
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Adjunct Professor Brent Edwards Adjunct Professor
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of University of Queensland Centre for Hearing Research (CHEAR)
Centre for Hearing Research |
Dr Katie Ekberg Postdoctoral Research Fellow |
+61 7 336 58547 |
Dr Najwan El-Saifi Affiliate of University of Queensland Centre for Hearing Research (CHEAR)
Centre for Hearing Research |
Ms Amy Eldridge Casual Teaching Assistant & Casual Academic (General)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Professor James Elliot Honorary Professor
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Sauro Emerick Salomoni Research Fellow |
+61 7 336 54567 |
Dr Sauro Emerick Salomoni Research Fellow in Physiotherapy & Casual Snr Research Assistant
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 336 54567 |
Ms Philippa Evans Clinical Speech Pathology Research Assistant
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Arthur Fabre Casual Research Assistant
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Annabella Facchin Senior Clinical Research Assistant
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Miss Niloofar Fakhraei Rad | |
Miss Teresa Fan Academic Title- Associate Lecturer Academic Title - Associate Lecturer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Emma Finch Honorary Senior Research Fellow
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Sarah Fitzhenry Academic Title - Lecturer Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Erin Flatman Casual Research Assistant & Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Helen Fleming Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Professor Jennifer Fleming Co-Director of Research Training Professor in Occupational Therapy
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of Centre for Neurorehabilitation, Ageing and Balance Research
Centre for Neurorehabilitation, Ageing and Balance Research |
+61 7 336 59725 |
Dr Orlando Flores Guerrero Honorary Lecturer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Joanne Folker Casual Research Assistant
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Elyanna Fong Executive Assistant
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 344 34602 |
Dr Roma Forbes Associate Professor
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 336 52718 |
Mrs Amelia Forrest | |
Miss Jacinta Foster Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Professor Nadine Foster NHMRC Leadership Fellow
Surgical, Treatment and Rehabilitation Services (STARS) |
Mr Carl Francia Lecturer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of UQ Poche Centre for Indigenous Health
UQ Poche Centre for Indigenous Health |
+61 7 336 57068 |
Mrs Jaala Frauenfelder Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Lorelei Frawley Principal Clinical Educator - Audiology & Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Stephanie Freedman Casual Senior Research Assistant
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Simon Freestone ATH - Associate Lecturer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Stephanie Fu Casual Practical Class Assistant
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Honorary Professor Mary Galea School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Miss Olivia Galea Casual Clinical Educator
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Miss Laylla Galvao Azevedo | |
Dr Elise Gane Honorary Research Fellow
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of Centre for Neurorehabilitation, Ageing and Balance Research
Centre for Neurorehabilitation, Ageing and Balance Research |
Dr Jenniffer Solange Garcia Rojas Casual Tutor & Honorary Research Fellow
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Janet Gay Casual Tutor
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Valerie Gent | |
Dr Priya George Martin Affiliate Senior Research Fellow
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Miss Jem Gibb Principal Clinical Educator - Physiotherapy
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Mitchell Giddings Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Denis Giguere Clinical Educator - Physiotherapy
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Denny Giguere Clinical Educator – Physiotherapy
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Megan Gim | |
Associate Professor Sjaan Gomersall Associate Professor
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of Centre for Neurorehabilitation, Ageing and Balance Research
Centre for Neurorehabilitation, Ageing and Balance Research Affiliate of Health and Wellbeing Centre for Research Innovation
Health and Wellbeing Centre for Research Innovation Affiliate of Queensland Digital Health Centre
Queensland Digital Health Centre Principal Research Fellow
School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences |
+61 7 344 36146 |
Ms Amanda Goodwin Casual Academic (General)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Katrina Gordon Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Alexandra Gorman Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Casual Academic (General)
School of Psychology |
Mrs Justine Gorman Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Trevor Gormley Casual Academic (General)
School of Business Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Rebecca Gorwyn Casual Academic (General)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Karen Graham Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Emma Graving Casual Academic Physio
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Miss Christie Grunke | |
Dr Hannah Gullo Senior Research Fellow
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 336 53004 |
Dr Helen Gurteen Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 344 33771 |
Ms Maria Guzzardi Casual Academic (Speech Pathology)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Stephen Hales Casual Academic (General)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Leanne Marie Hall Casual Snr Res Assistant & Casual Snr Res Assistant
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Henry Hamilton Casual Academic (General)
School of Biomedical Sciences Casual Simulated Patient & Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Kelli Louise Hancock Honorary Research Fellow
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Scott Harding | |
Dr Sam Harvey Casual Research Assistant & Postdoctoral Research Fellow & Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of Queensland Aphasia Research Centre (QARC)
Queensland Aphasia Research Centre |
Ms Christina Harwood Casual Academic (Occupational Therapy)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Professor Alex Haslam | |
Dr Anna Hatton Associate Professor
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of Centre for Neurorehabilitation, Ageing and Balance Research & Centre Director of Centre for Neurorehabilitation, Ageing and Balance Research
Centre for Neurorehabilitation, Ageing and Balance Research |
+61 7 336 54590 |
Mrs Miranda Hawke Casual Academic (Occupational Therapy)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Benjamin Hay Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Catherine Hayden Casual Academic (Physiotherapy)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Julia Hayden Casual Simulated Patient
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Anne Hexter Clinics Reception and Administration Assistant
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Miss Roisin Higgins Principal Clinical Educator - Audiology & Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 334 67462 |
Dr Annie Hill Honorary Associate Professor
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of Queensland Aphasia Research Centre (QARC)
Queensland Aphasia Research Centre |
Dr Jessica Hill Lecturer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 344 33772 |
Mr Nathan Hill Principal Clinical Educator - Occupational Therapy & Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Fiona Hinchliffe Academic Title - Senior Lecturer Academic Title - Senior Lecturer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Justin Ho Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Perry Ho ATH - Associate Lecturer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Tania Hobson Adjunct Associate Professor
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Michael Hockey Casual Academic (General)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Professor Paul Hodges Director, Research and Postgraduate Studies Centre Director of Centre for Innovation in Pain and Health Research (CIPHeR)
Centre for Innovation in Pain and Health Research Prof. & NHMRC Leadership Fellow(L3)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 336 52008 |
Miss Tenelle Hodson Casual Tutor
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Mikayla Homes Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Wendy Hood Clinical Education Liaison Manager
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 336 54518 |
Mr Mosharop Hossian Casual Research Assistant & Casual Academic - Psych
School of Psychology Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Casual Academic
School of Economics Casual Associate Teaching and Learning Assistant
Learning Skills Development & Services Projects |
Mr John Howard ATH - Associate Lecturer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Samantha Howell Casual Senior Research Assistant
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Cody Howley Casual Academic (Physiotherapy)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Melanie Hoyle Clinical Education Strategy Committee Chair Senior Lecturer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 336 52793 +61 7 336 56161 |
Mr Mick Hughes Casual Academic (General)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Anna Humphreys Casual Academic - Speech Pathology & Casual Research Assistant & Casual Senior Clinical Research Assistant
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Casual Research Assistant
RECOVER Injury Research Centre |
Honorary Professor David Hunter School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Rita Hwang Casual Academic PHTY & ATH - Senior Lecturer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of Centre for Online Health
Centre for Online Health |
Ms Macarena Inzunza Lara | |
Dr Penny Ireland Casual Clinical Educator & Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Miss Afra Islam Casual Academic Physio
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Courtney Jackson Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Greg James Senior Research Assistant Principal Research Molecular Biologist
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 334 66037 +61 7 336 54753 |
Mr Phill Jamieson Senior Research Assistant
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of Queensland Aphasia Research Centre (QARC)
Queensland Aphasia Research Centre |
Ms Grace Jauristo Casual Academic & Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Lauren Jeffery Clinic Manager/Educator - Physio.
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 336 54562 |
Ms Lauren Jeffery Clinic Manager/Educator - Physiotherapy
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Hannah Jensen-Fielding Casual Academic
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Behavioural Sciences |
Mr Yifan Jia Casual Simulated Patient
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Dace Johnson Casual Clinical Educator
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Liz Johnson Casual Academic - Physiotherapy
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Honorary Professor Alice Jones Casual Academic PHTY & Honorary Professor
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Caroline Jones Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Lachlan Jones Casual Simulated Patient
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Renee Jones Casual Academic - Speech Pathology
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Emeritus Professor Gwendolen Jull Emeritus Professor
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Sami Kaab Biomedical Engineer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Marie Kayssar Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Laura Keane Casual Academic & Principal Clinical Educator - Audiology
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 336 52089 +61 7 336 54461 |
Dr Elaine Katrina Kearney Conjoint Research Fellow - Speech Pathology
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Miss Elizabeth Kehoe Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Associate Professor Joseph Kei Associate Professor in Audiology
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of University of Queensland Centre for Hearing Research (CHEAR)
Centre for Hearing Research Affiliate of Parenting and Family Support Centre
Parenting and Family Support Centre |
+61 7 336 52824 |
Dr Gitte Keidser Adjunct Professor
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Samantha Kelley Casual Academic (Physiotherapy)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Erin Kelly School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Miss Melissa Kelly Clinical Educator - Telerehab
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Melissa Kelly Casual Academic (General) & Principal Clinical Educator - Occupational Therapy
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 336 54691 |
Mrs Katrina Kemp Casual Academic & Casual Administrative Officer (WHS)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Research Assistant
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Behavioural Sciences |
Associate Professor Asaduzzaman Khan Affiliate of University of Queensland Centre for Hearing Research (CHEAR)
Centre for Hearing Research |
Ms Deanne Killen Principal Clinical Educator - Speech Pathology
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Michelle King Research Fellow
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of Queensland Aphasia Research Centre (QARC)
Queensland Aphasia Research Centre |
Mrs Chloe Kitto Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr David Klyne NHMRC Emerging Leadership Fellow
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate Senior Research Fellow of School of Biomedical Sciences
School of Biomedical Sciences Affiliate of Centre for Innovation in Pain and Health Research (CIPHeR)
Centre for Innovation in Pain and Health Research |
+61 7 336 54569 |
Ms Karri Kneebone Casual Allied Health Research Clinician
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Renae Knight School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Wei Qi Koh Lecturer in Occupational Therapy
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 344 33773 |
Mrs Sarah Kopeshke Casual Academic & Principal Clinical Educator - Speech Pathology
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Amanda Lacey Casual Academic (General)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Casual Academic
School of the Environment |
Miss Zara Lai Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Pranika Lal Casual Academic (General)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Miss Madeline Lamb Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Riikka Lampinen | |
Mr Will Larkin Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Adjunct Professor Stefan Launer Adjunct Professor
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of University of Queensland Centre for Hearing Research (CHEAR)
Centre for Hearing Research |
Dr Peter Lawrenson Casual Clinical Educator & Casual Academic (General)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Emily Lean Casual Simulation Role Player
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Jay Lee Clinical Educator
Audiology Casual Academic & Casual Research Assistant
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Jennifer Lee Postdoctoral Research Fellow & Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of Queensland Aphasia Research Centre (QARC)
Queensland Aphasia Research Centre |
Ms Emily Lehman Casual Research Assistant
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Miss Georgia Lester Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Miss Letizia Leung Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Casual Academic
School of Biomedical Sciences |
Mr Joni Levine Casual Academic - Physiotherapy & Casual Research Assistant
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 344 33774 |
Dr Fiona Lewis Lecturer in Speech Pathology
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 334 67832 |
Dr Zhiqi Liang Lecturer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of Centre for Innovation in Pain and Health Research (CIPHeR)
Centre for Innovation in Pain and Health Research |
+61 7 344 36006 |
Mrs Madonna Lichtwark Casual Academic (General)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Paul Licina Academic Title - Senior Lecturer Academic Title - Senior Lecturer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Associate Professor Jacki Liddle Conjoint Associate Professor
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of Centre for Neurorehabilitation, Ageing and Balance Research
Centre for Neurorehabilitation, Ageing and Balance Research |
+61 7 344 36036 |
Ms Jenna Liimatainen Senior Research Assistant & Affiliate of RECOVER Injury Research Centre
RECOVER Injury Research Centre Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Louise Lindsay Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Mary-Ann Litchfield Casual Academic (General)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Timothy Lo Casual Simulated Patient
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Miss Chanelle Louwen Academic Title-Lecturer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Tzyy Shang Low Student and Academic Support Assistant Student and Academic Support Assistant
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Joshua Lowe Casual Academic (General)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Jess Lunnon Clinical Education Liaison Manager
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 336 58206 |
Mrs Elizabeth Lush Casual Practical Class Assistant
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Amy Ma Casual Academic (General)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Aprezo Maba Casual Academic - EDUCATION
School of Education |
Miss Josephine Mabin Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Casual Senior Research Assistant
RECOVER Injury Research Centre Affiliate of Queensland Aphasia Research Centre (QARC)
Queensland Aphasia Research Centre |
Miss Julie Macdonald Associate Lecturer in Physiotherapy
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 336 52029 |
Dr Christopher Mackay Research Assistant Casual Academic & Conjoint Research Fellow - Physiotherapy
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Casual Academic (General)
School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences |
+61 7 336 53299 |
Mrs Kristyn Mackrell Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Niru Mahendran Lecturer in Physiotherapy
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Joanne Mak Casual Practical Class Assistant & Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Alicja Malicka Lecturer |
+61 7 334 67567 |
Ms Maree Maloney Principal Clinical Educator - Occupational Therapy
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Manager, Clinics and Principal Clinical Educator
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Behavioural Sciences |
+61 7 336 54503 +61 7 336 54523 |
Associate Professor Allison Mandrusiak Co-Director of Teaching & Learning Associate Professor
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 336 54557 |
Ms Amanda Manso Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Miss Alehandrea Manuel Casual Senior Research Technician
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Andrea Marquez Administrative Assistant
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Suzanne Marshall Casual Simulated Patient Training
SOMSouthern - Medicine - Princess Alexandra Hospital |
Mrs Kathryn Martin Associate Lecturer in OT
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 344 33775 |
Ms Fiona Mason Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Miss Georgina Masters Principal Clinical Educator - Physiotherapy
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Bronagh McAlinden Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Honorary Fellow
Mater Research Institute-UQ |
Dr Tomomi McAuliffe Lecturer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of Parenting and Family Support Centre
Parenting and Family Support Centre |
+61 7 336 52084 |
Dr Cathy McBryde Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 336 52096 |
Mrs Camilla McDonald Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Miss Kirsty McDonald Administration Assistant
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Student and Academic Administration Officer
Student and Academic Administration (Medicine) |
+61 7 344 34608 |
Mrs Elaine McGivern Principal Clinical Educator - Physiotherapy
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of Centre for Neurorehabilitation, Ageing and Balance Research
Centre for Neurorehabilitation, Ageing and Balance Research |
Ms Marnie McGorm ATH - Associate Lecturer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Andrew McGough Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Gilly Mckeown Casual Research Assistant
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Eril McKinnon Casual Research Assistant
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Andrew McLennan Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Nici McMah Clinical Educator-Speech Pathology & Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 336 54523 |
Miss Emma McNaughton Casual Simulated Patient
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Anne Marie McSweeney Casual Clinical Educator
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Alejandro Melendez-Calderon Affiliate Senior Lecturer of School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Senior Lecturer
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Affiliate of Centre for Sensorimotor Performance
Centre for Sensorimotor Performance |
Dr Rebecca Mellor NHMRC Senior Acad Research Officer NHMRC Snr Acad Res Officer in PT & Honorary Senior Fellow
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 334 67485 |
Dr Katelyn Melvin Casual Academic & Casual Research Assistant & Lecturer in Speech Pathology
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
* |
Miss Manuela Mendiolar Casual Academic - SHRS general
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Casual Examination Supervisor & Casual Examination Supervisor
Examinations and Timetable Services |
Dr Carly Meyer Research Fellow & Honorary Senior Research Fellow
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of University of Queensland Centre for Hearing Research (CHEAR)
Centre for Hearing Research |
+61 7 344 33770 |
Mr Rodney Mills Casual Guest Lecturer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Andrew Mitchell Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Mary Mitchell Casual Academic & Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Timothy Mitchell Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Angela Moon-Henson Casual Academic (Occupational Therapy)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Alison Moorcroft Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Honorary Professor Brian Moore |
Ms Alis Moores | |
Mrs Kasey Morel Casual Academic (General)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Honorary Professor Angela Morgan Honorary Professor
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Jane Morgan Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Stephanie Morris Clinic Manager / Educator - Audiolo
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of University of Queensland Centre for Hearing Research (CHEAR)
Centre for Hearing Research |
+61 7 336 56162 |
Dr Andrea Mosler Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Lily Murray | |
Mrs Marika Mussawir Casual Snr Research Technician
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Anthony Nasser Casual Tutor & Casual Clinical Educator & Casual Academic (Physiotherapy)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Miss Dharsha Navaratnam Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Curtley Nelson Lecturer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of UQ Poche Centre for Indigenous Health
UQ Poche Centre for Indigenous Health |
+61 7 344 33516 |
Mr Jack Neubecker Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Casual Academic - School of Mathematics & Physics
School of Mathematics and Physics |
Dr Zheng Yen Ng Casual Academic & Honorary Fellow
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of Queensland Aphasia Research Centre (QARC)
Queensland Aphasia Research Centre |
Mr Anthony Nicholson Academic Title - Associate Lecturer |
Dr Marc Nickels Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Jonathan Nielsen-Chan ATH - Associate Lecturer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Kenneth Niere Casual Academic (General)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Pascale Nijssen School Manager
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 336 57139 |
Dr Mehwish Nisar Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of University of Queensland Centre for Hearing Research (CHEAR)
Centre for Hearing Research Casual Academic
Medical School |
+61 7 344 33776 |
Ms Mst Noorunnahar | |
Ms Tahlia Norrish Casual Operations and Facilities support
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Casual Academic (General) & Casual Research Assistant
School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences |
Miss Jacqueline North | |
Mrs Kate O'Brien Adjunct Fellow
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Miss Erin O'Driscoll Administrative Assistant, Work integrated Learning (Placements)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 336 54570 |
Ms Anna O'Gorman Casual Academic (Physiotherapy)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Karina O'Leary Coordinator
Interprofessional Education (HaBS) Conjoint, Interprofessional Education and Practice
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Behavioural Sciences |
Associate Professor Shaun O'Leary Senior Research Fellow Professor
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of Centre for Innovation in Pain and Health Research (CIPHeR)
Centre for Innovation in Pain and Health Research |
+61 7 336 52209 |
Miss Dervla O'Neill Casual Profession - HMNS
School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences Casual Operations and Facilities Officer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 336 56655 |
Ms Julie O'Sullivan Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Lee O'Sullivan Research Assistant Casual Research Technician
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Larissa Ogilvie Principal Clinical Educator - Speech Pathology & Casual Academic (Speech Pathology)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Raphael Ohms | |
Dr Rebecca Packer Senior Lecturer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of Centre for Motor Neuron Disease Research
Centre for Motor Neuron Disease Research |
Ms Amanda Palmer Casual Academic (General)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Megan Pamenter Casual Academic & Casual Research Assistant
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Benjamin Panos Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Amy Papinniemi Academic Title - Lecturer Casual Academic & Adjunct Senior Lecturer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Jennifer Paratz Honorary Senior Fellow
UQ Centre for Clinical Research |
Mr Brett Parfitt Casual Academic - Physiotherapy
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Amanda Parker Student and Academic Administration & Casual Student and Academic Administration Officer & Administration /Reception Assistant
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences UQ Temps
Administrative Directorate for Attraction, Reward and Mobility Student and Academic Administration Officer
Faculty of Science |
Miss Kelly Pearse Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Anne Pearson Casual Academic & Manager, Clinics and Principal Clinical Educator
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 344 34235 |
Mrs Karen Pedley Academic Title- Senior Lecturer Academic Title - Senior Lecturer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Karina Pell | |
Dr Adriana Penman Co-Director of Teaching and Learning & Senior Lecturer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 336 52306 |
Miss Chalomjai Pensri Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Amelia Peters Senior Administrative Officer (Research)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Tristram Peters Casual Academic (General)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Marie Petersen Casual Clinical Educator
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Martha Viviana Pineda Velez Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Tania Pizzari Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Miss Erin Porrett | |
Ms Ashley Potgieter Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Anne Poulsen Honorary Associate Professor
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Viktoriia Pozdniakova Affiliate of Queensland Aphasia Research Centre (QARC)
Queensland Aphasia Research Centre |
Dr Sarah Prescott Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Research Fellow
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Behavioural Sciences |
Ms Fiona Pringle Casual Academic (Physiotherapy)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Samantha Quantin Casual Academic (General)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Jacinta Quartermaine Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr June Quek Casual Academic PHTY & Honorary Research Fellow
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Jonathan Quicke Research Fellow
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Behavioural Sciences Affiliate of Centre for Innovation in Pain and Health Research (CIPHeR)
Centre for Innovation in Pain and Health Research |
Mrs Teresa Quinlan Clinic Manager / Educator - OT
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 344 32428 |
Madeline Raatz Honorary Fellow
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Miss Claire Radford Academic Title - Associate Lecturer Academic Title - Associate Lecturer & Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Sarah Raftery Casual Academic (General)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Mahfuzur Rahman Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Casual Academic - Tutor
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Behavioural Sciences |
Ms Anjana Rajagopal Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Casual Examination Supervisor
Examinations and Timetable Services |
Ms Rebecca Rajendran Casual Academic (Speech Pathology)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Amelia Rand Casual Academic (Occupational Therapy)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Miss Carly Rankin Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Casual Academic
School of Social Science |
Miss Aoife Reardon Affiliate of Queensland Aphasia Research Centre (QARC)
Queensland Aphasia Research Centre |
Mrs Joanne Redman Casual Tutor
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Kate Regnault Principal Project Officer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Miss Kristy Reid Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Claire Reilly | |
Dr Felipe Retamal Walter Lecturer in Speech Pathology
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of University of Queensland Centre for Hearing Research (CHEAR)
Centre for Hearing Research |
+61 7 334 67458 |
Mr David Roberts Casual Tutor/Lecturer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Sarah Robins Senior Research Technician |
Mrs Miriam Rodda Casual Academic (Occupational Therapy)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Tanya Rose Honorary Senior Lecturer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Valmae Rose Casual Academic (General)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Megan Ross Research Fellow & Affiliate of RECOVER Injury Research Centre & Research Fellow
RECOVER Injury Research Centre Affiliate of Centre for Innovation in Pain and Health Research (CIPHeR)
Centre for Innovation in Pain and Health Research Affiliate of Centre for Neurorehabilitation, Ageing and Balance Research
Centre for Neurorehabilitation, Ageing and Balance Research |
+61 7 344 33396 |
Monique Rowles Senior Project Coordinator
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Oliver Rowley Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Anna Rumbach Senior Lecturer in Speech Pathology
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 336 53080 |
Ms Adelaide Rusinga Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Professor Trevor Russell Director
RECOVER Injury Research Centre |
Ms Zoe Russell Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Mark Russi | |
Dr Brooke Ryan Postdoctoral Research Fellow Postdoctoral Res Fellow in Speech
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 336 51380 |
Ms Elizabeth Ryan Casual Academic (General)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr James Ryan Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Brent Sahota | |
Dr Leanne Sakzewski NHMRC Senior Research Fellow
Child Health Research Centre |
+61 7 3069 7345 |
Associate Professor Martin Sale Head of Physiotherapy Associate Professor in Physio
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of Centre for Neurorehabilitation, Ageing and Balance Research
Centre for Neurorehabilitation, Ageing and Balance Research |
+61 7 336 53008 |
Mrs Dipthi Samalia Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Raimundo Sanchez Research Fellow
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 344 33778 |
Dr Duncan Sanders Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Victoria Sandham | |
Dr Ruth Sapsford Academic Title - Lecturer |
Mrs Sveta Sargant Senior Administration Officer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
(07) 336 52264 |
Mrs Andrea Saverymuthapulle Casual Academic - Physio
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Shannon Scarff Casual Academic & Casual Research Assistant
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Professor Nerina Scarinci Head of School
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of University of Queensland Centre for Hearing Research (CHEAR)
Centre for Hearing Research |
+61 7 336 53097 |
Ms Chelsea Schultz ATH - Lecturer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Maria Schwarz Adjunct Senior Fellow/Senior Lecturer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Victoria Schweitzer Casual Academic PHTY3250
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Dion Scott Health, Safety and Wellness Committee Chair |
Mr Quentin Scott Casual Lecturer & Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Karen Seifert Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Jenny Setchell Research Fellow Honorary Senior Research Fellow
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Julie Sexton Casual Academic (Speech Pathology)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Margot Sexton Administration Officer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of Queensland Aphasia Research Centre (QARC)
Queensland Aphasia Research Centre |
+61 7 336 57595 |
Mrs Auriel Sher Clinical Educator-Audiology & Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 336 54461 |
Dr Ciara Shiggins Honorary Research Fellow
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Kirstine Shrubsole NHMRC Emerging Leadership Fellow
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Raymond Sidhu Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Aleksi Sihvonen Honorary Research Fellow
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Tasriva Sikandar | |
Mr Ryan Sim Cas Student and Acad Support Off
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Kevin Sims Casual Lecturer & Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Jessica Sinclair Manager, Student and Academic Administration
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 336 59134 |
Mr Raj Singh Casual Academic (General)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Associate Professor Michelle Smith Associate Professor
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of Centre for Innovation in Pain and Health Research (CIPHeR)
Centre for Innovation in Pain and Health Research |
+61 7 336 54660 |
Ms Esther Smits Research Assistant Research Assistant
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 336 51523 |
Miss Maddison Sourris Casual Research Assistant
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Tanya Spresser School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Ryan Stafford School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 334 67751 +61 7 336 52275 |
Mr Kerry Staples Casual Tutor & Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Bethany Stapleton Casual SP Clinical Educator SCF
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Laura Stasinowsky Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Sharon Stay Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Professor Michele Sterling Professor and Whiplash Program
RECOVER Injury Research Centre |
Mrs Chari Stewart Casual Academic & Clinal Educator - Physiotherapy
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Lisa Stewart Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Mark Stokes Casual Tutor & Principal Clinical Educator - Physiotherapy
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Marissa Stone Affiliate of Queensland Aphasia Research Centre (QARC)
Queensland Aphasia Research Centre |
Emeritus Professor Jenny Strong Emeritus Professor
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Tamara Suitor Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Jacqueline Swan Casual Academic PHTY & Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Sarah Swan Casual Research Assistant & Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Patrick Swete Kelly Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr David Swift Casual Academic (Occupational Therapy)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Caitlin Taggart Clinical Educator - Occupational Therapy
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 336 51069 |
Ms Judith Tait Casual SPCH Acad 2203 7825
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Sarah Tang Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Radhika Tanksale Senior Principal Psychologist
School of Psychology Senior Research Assistant
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Miss Emma Taylor Clinics and Reception Administrator
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Shea Teevan Casual Academic (Physiotherapy)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Jessica Thackeray Associate Lecturer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Margie Thackway Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Professor Deborah Theodoros Professor |
+61 7 336 52806 |
Miss Heidi Thomas Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Lucy Thomas Senior Lecturer in Physiotherapy
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of Centre for Innovation in Pain and Health Research (CIPHeR)
Centre for Innovation in Pain and Health Research |
+61 7 336 51644 |
Ms Angela Thynne Casual Lecturer & Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Barbra Timmer External Engagement Committee Chair Senior Lecturer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of University of Queensland Centre for Hearing Research (CHEAR)
Centre for Hearing Research |
Ms Jessica Tognetto Casual Academic (Speech Pathology)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Sophie Toll Casual Academic -SHRS
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Melinda Toomey Research Fellow
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of University of Queensland Centre for Hearing Research (CHEAR)
Centre for Hearing Research |
Mrs Maartje Torij Principal Clinical Educator - Physiotherapy
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Marguerite Trembath Casual Guest Lecturer & Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Megan Trevethan Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Miss Megan Trotman Casual Academic - SBMS
School of Biomedical Sciences |
Mrs Brooke Tunks Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Benjamin Turner Casual Lecturer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Associate Professor Merrill Turpin Associate Professor
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 336 56491 |
Mr Dom Van Brunschot Clinic Manager / Educator - Sp Path |
Dr Wolbert van den Hoorn Senior Research Fellow & Research Fellow
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Casual Research Assistant
School of Biomedical Sciences |
+61 7 336 51355 |
Ms Kirby Van Egmond Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Courtney Louise van Putten Casual Academic -Physiotherapy
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Diana Velez Velez Administrative Assistant
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
(07) 336 54516 |
Mr Joseph John Vida Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Dianna Vidas Research Fellow
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 344 34278 |
Mrs Rebecca von Pfyffer ATH - Associate Lecturer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Miss Genevieve Vuong Casual Academic & Casual Principal Research Clinician
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of Queensland Aphasia Research Centre (QARC)
Queensland Aphasia Research Centre |
Dr Viana Vuvan Lecturer in Physiotherapy
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of Centre for Innovation in Pain and Health Research (CIPHeR)
Centre for Innovation in Pain and Health Research |
+61 7 336 52209 |
Ms Deanna Wainwright Academic Title - Associate Lecturer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Monique Waite Reconciliation, Equity and Inclusion (REI) Committee Chair Senior Lecturer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of Parenting and Family Support Centre
Parenting and Family Support Centre Affiliate of University of Queensland Centre for Hearing Research (CHEAR)
Centre for Hearing Research |
+61 7 334 67489 |
Mrs Anna Walker Clinical Educator – Telerehab (SP)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Helen Wallace Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Associate Professor Sarah Wallace Affiliate of University of Queensland Centre for Hearing Research (CHEAR)
Centre for Hearing Research Affiliate of Queensland Aphasia Research Centre (QARC)
Queensland Aphasia Research Centre NHMRC Emerging Leadership Fellow
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 334 67453 |
Ms Hayley Walsh Casual Academic (General)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Yejun Wang Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Polly Warburton Casual Sp Path Clinical Educator & Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Professor Elizabeth Ward Conjoint Professor & Professor in Speech Pathology
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 336 53079 |
Ms Hayley Ware Casual Principal Project Officer
School of the Environment Principal Project Officer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of Centre for Innovation in Pain and Health Research (CIPHeR)
Centre for Innovation in Pain and Health Research |
+61 7 334 67417 |
Ms Hannah Wedley Research Speech Pathologist
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of Queensland Aphasia Research Centre (QARC)
Queensland Aphasia Research Centre |
Ms Alyssa Welch Senior Research Technician |
+61 7 334 69396 |
Mr Stephen West-Newman Principal Clinical Educator - Physiotherapy & Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Helen Weston Casual Academic PHTY
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Brooke-Mai Whelan Senior Lecturer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of Centre for Motor Neuron Disease Research
Centre for Motor Neuron Disease Research |
+61 7 336 56087 |
Mr Tony Whelan Adjunct Senior Lecturer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Anthea White Casual Academic (General)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr BERNARD WHITFIELD Adjunct Associate Professor
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of University of Queensland Centre for Hearing Research (CHEAR)
Centre for Hearing Research |
Mr Billy Wihongi Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Professor Janet Wiles | |
Miss Sarah Wilesmith Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mrs Brittany Williams Associate Lecturer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Katrina Williams Senior Lecturer in Physiotherapy
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of Centre for Neurorehabilitation, Ageing and Balance Research
Centre for Neurorehabilitation, Ageing and Balance Research Affiliate of University of Queensland Centre for Hearing Research (CHEAR)
Centre for Hearing Research |
+61 7 336 54507 |
Mrs Kayla Williams ATH - Associate Lecturer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Miss Lana Wilson Casual Academic (Audiology)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Miss Paula Wilson Casual Academic EXMD3070 Sem2/16
School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences |
Associate Professor Stephen Wilson Associate Professor in Speech Pathology
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 344 33779 |
Associate Professor Wayne Wilson Associate Professor
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of University of Queensland Centre for Hearing Research (CHEAR)
Centre for Hearing Research |
+61 7 336 51797 |
Mr Matthew Wong Casual Academic (Occupational Therapy)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Emeritus Professor Linda Worrall Emeritus Professor
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Nampech Wuthapanich Senior Research Technician
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
+61 7 3176 2405 |
Dr Narelle Wyndow Honorary Fellow
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Maria Yee Casual Academic (General)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Miss Emma Young Administration Assistant
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Dr Janette Young Honorary Research Fellow
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Ho Yin Yuen Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Ms Colette Zemljic Casual Academic (Occupational Therapy)
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Haroun Zerguine Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Mr Rod Zhang | |
Mr Christopher Zillmann Casual Academic (Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences)
School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Emeritus Professor Jenny Ziviani Emeritus Professor
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Affiliate of Queensland Cerebral Palsy Rehabilitation and Research Centre
Queensland Cerebral Palsy Rehabilitation and Research Centre |
Miss Alice Zuber Casual Academic
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |