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If you are interested contributing to or participating in a research program, the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences offers a number of great opportunities.

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Summer and Winter Research Programs

Coordinated by the UQ Student Employability Centre, these programs provide an opportunity for scholars to work with a researcher in a formal research environment in their area of interest.

By participating in a program students will gain valuable academic and professional opportunities, develop analytical, critical thinking, and communication skills, and have an opportunity to cultivate links with industry and academic contacts. 

It is also a chance to ‘test drive’ research before embarking on further research studies or higher degree research projects.

Participation is open to undergraduate students including honours and Masters by coursework students.

All students participating in the summer and winter programs will receive a scholarship.

Summer Research Program

View the list of Summer Research Program projects and supervisors.

Research projects are available for 6weeks over the summer vacation period (from Jan to mid-Feb).

Apply for the Summer Research Program

Winter Research Program

View the list of Winter Research Program projects and supervisors.

Research projects are available for 4 weeks over the winter vacation period (from mid-June to mid-July).

Apply for the Winter Research Program

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Research Incubator Program

The Research Incubator Program is an excellent opportunity to explore a research career during your usual studies.

The program provides you with the opportunity to become involved in the world-class research environment and work alongside experienced researchers.

As a member of the program you will be:

  • introduced to what it means to be a researcher and the career options related to this career path
  • given the opportunity to interact with, and be involved in hands-on research experience
  • potentially contributing to research projects.

Who can apply?

First and second year undergraduate students and first year Graduate Entry Masters (GEMS) students, with a Grade Point Average of 5.0 can apply for entry to the program.

A competitive process is conducted at the beginning of semester 2 to select 20 students for the program.