Queensland Aphasia Research Centre (QARC)​

Optimising the lives of people with Aphasia

The Aphasia Tech Hub aims to improve access to technology for people with aphasia:

We work with:

  • People with aphasia
  • significant others and,
  • speech pathologists and healthcare providers who work with people with aphasia.
Four professionals smiling and standing together in an office environment with computers and a whiteboard in the background
From L-R: Sonia Brownsett, Phill Jamieson, Kim Barron and Kori Ramajoo

Who we are

The Aphasia Tech Hub team aim to improve access to technology for people with aphasia.

In our team we have two speech pathologists and two people who have lived experience with aphasia.

We are all passionate about helping people achieve their communication goals using technology.

How we can help

We work with you to find technology that helps meet your communication and life goals.

We offer coaching and demonstrations on how to use:

  • smart phones, tablets, laptops and computers.
  • evidence based therapy programs.
  • software and applications.
  • other technology.

We offer technology workshops for:

  • People with aphasia,
  • Clinicians and clinical assistants
  • Students
  • Community groups

How much does it cost?

It is a free service.

Where is the Aphasia Tech Hub?

The Tech Hub is a part of the Queensland Aphasia Research Centre.

Our drop-in and private in-person sessions are at STARS Hospital (Surgical, Treatment and Rehabilitation Service), Herston Brisbane.

We also offer online appointments via Zoom. 
Our services support people across Australia. 

A man and a woman smiling and interacting with a tablet in a medical office with posters on the wall, including one for the Queensland Aphasia Research Centre and another displaying information about COVID-19 vaccinations.Get in touch with us

  1. Join our waitlist
  2. Email us: techhub@uq.edu.au
  3. Call or text: 0473 642 237
  4. Come to one of our ‘drop in’ sessions: 

    When: First Tuesday of every month
    Time: 10:30am - 11:30am
    Where: Level 1, Surgical Treatment and Rehabilitation Services (STARS), 295 Herston Road, Herston. Kori will meet you in the reception area.
    What: bring your device and / or your questions and we will help you.

Email techhub@uq.edu.au Call 0473 642 237