The Paediatric Research Engagement Theme is composed of researchers from a number of allied health professions including, Audiology, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, and Speech Pathology.

We seek collaborative research opportunities in the areas that support everyday life of children, young people and their families, for example school readiness and transition, family centred-practice, auditory functioning, communication and movement control. The age groups of children we work with are diverse from infancy to post-school to reflect the dynamics exist in these areas. Our researchers work in partnership with national and international research communities.


Research in this theme aims to promote health and wellbeing of children and young people with disability, illness and injury and that of their families. Our research supports these children and young people and their families to participate in everyday activities and obtain meaningful life experiences. For example, some of our researchers currently work with families of children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) to investigate their developmental needs.


For all general current HDR student queries and enquiries related to applications contact the HDR Liaison Officer: or +61 7 3365 7123

For all enquiries related to research in the School, contact the Senior Administration Officer (Research): or +61 7 3365 2074

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