A person using a touchscreen phone with a hologram of a virtual assistant appearing above it, asking how it may help you

For better or worse: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Acquired Communication Disability - a practical seminar on our new generative AI companion

29 October 2024 2:00pm4:00pm
The seminar will showcase use of AI in clinical examples to support assessment/intervention preparation and direct opportunities for use with clients. Important policy considerations and cautions will be addressed. The talk will be of interest to researchers, clinicians, lecturers and students.

Needs of families living with aphasia: in hospital, after discharge and now

15 August 2023 3:00pm4:00pm
Aphasia impacts not only the person with aphasia, but also family and friends. This presentation will detail an interview study
conducted with 26 people living with aphasia, which explored the needs of people with aphasia, family members and friends at
three time points - in hospital, after discharge and at present day.