Dr Tomomi McAuliffe

Researcher biography
Tomomi is an early career researcher who has a strong interest in parental health and wellbeing in the context of disability. She has worked in mental health practice before changing the direction of her career to the tertiary education sector. As she worked with people who were mothers in clinical context, she became interested in the power of mothering role and occupation. This interest has led her to complete her PhD study to investigate family routine management and its everyday impact on mothers of autistic children. With her PhD, she compared the experiences of mothers of autistic children using their household status (i.e., single versus couple) as well as region of residence (i.e., major city versus regional areas) to highlight the similarities and differences between these groups. Tomomi is also interested in mental health among international students, especially those students who come from non-Western cultural background. She has presented her research both at national and international conferences.