In one of the most comprehensive studies of its kind, The University of Queensland’s Melanie Hoyle is assessing exactly what helps – and what hinders – people who have experienced a stroke from achieving a fulfilling life. Ms Hoyle, from the UQ School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, said she had designed a detailed questionnaire to gather the full picture of post-hospital life for stroke patients. “We want to understand as many of the factors as possible that impact people’s ability to participate in their chosen activities once they return to the community after a stroke,” she said. While many research projects focus on the impairments that can occur as a result of stroke, Ms Hoyle’s study is equally concerned with the person’s individual qualities and overall participation in their home and community. Participants are asked to detail everything from how they saw themselves before the stroke, to how satisfied they are with their current leisure and career situation. Other questions include: ‘How much have you been limited in your ability to control your life as you wish?’, and ‘How often do you travel outside the home?’ Survey respondents are also asked to indicate their concerns about personal safety, dealing with people, and partaking in the community. “We do address things such as ability to eat, walk, self-groom, and speak, but we extend beyond that to really explore factors that may influence people’s ability to participate in a way that provides fulfilment,” Ms Hoyle said. “It is one thing to be alive, and another to be living life in a manner which pleases you.” Study participants should be aged 18 and over, and experienced a stroke and are living in the community (either independently or assisted). Those interested in participating can find the questionnaire online or contact Ms Hoyle at (07) 3365 2793 or m.hoyle@uq.edu.au . Ms Hoyle is an Associate Lecturer in Occupational Therapy and an author on 10 publications. She is completing her PhD, which she hopes will contribute to improving health professionals’ understanding of life after a stroke. Media: Melanie Hoyle m.hoyle@uq.edu.au, +61 07 3365 2793, +61 0419 278 875 or Kirsten O’Leary k.oleary@uq.edu.au, +61 07 3365 7436 or +61 0412 307 594