Clinical Centre for Research Excellence in Spinal Pain, Injury and Health
Spinal complaints present the greatest social and economic burden of musculoskeletal conditions in Australia. The cause of spinal issues remain unknown, 80 per cent of the population is affected and isolated professions perform a staggering array of interventions.
The Clinical Centre for Research Excellence in Spinal Pain, Injury and Health targets these realities and improves Australia’s capacity to prevent and manage spinal disorders by supporting innovative interdisciplinary research and training.
This community and university-based centre aligns successful clinical and basic researchers in collaboration with a national network of spine scientists to foster interdisciplinary clinical researcher training, develop new diagnostics and therapeutics and translate findings to the community.
- advance understanding of physiology and pathophysiology of spinal pain
- translate findings from basic research to clinical practice
- establish coordinated multidisciplinary research to reduce the burden of spinal pain
- predict and prevent the transition from acute to chronic states
- train a new generation of transdisciplinary clinical scientists
- rapidly assess new treatment possibilities in pre-clinical studies
- develop innovative technologies for diagnostics and therapeutics
- encourage Australian commercialisation opportunities for new discoveries
- encourage community-user participation in the direction of research programs
- disseminate findings and information of evidence-based practice to patients, clinicians, insurers, government and the scientific and wider communities.
Team members
Professor Paul Hodges
Emeritus Professor Gwendolen Jull
Professor Justin Kenardy
Professor Luke Connelly
Professor Bill Vicenzino
Professor Andrew Cresswell
P: +61 7 3365 4589
F: +61 7 3365 1284
SHRS, Therapies Building 84a
The University of Queensland
Brisbane Qld 4072