Improving access to the hearing services program for people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds

Australia is a culturally diverse country. Almost 30% of Australians were born overseas. More than 20% of Australians speak a language other than English at home. People from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds are more likely to experience hearing loss; but they are less likely to access hearing services.

Government-funded hearing services program (HSP) is available in Australia. However, people from CALD communities are less likely to access it. The reasons for this are not clear. 

A review of the HSP recommended that the Government identify the challenges for access to HSP for CALD people. In 2022, the University of Queensland received a NHMRC grant for a project to address the recommendations of the HSP review. In the project, researchers will work with people from CALD backgrounds and hearing healthcare providers to:

  1. Understand what helps and hinders children and adults from CALD backgrounds access hearing health care.
  2. Co-develop and test strategies to help people from CALD communities access hearing health care.

This project helps people from CALD communities to achieve their goals in life without being limited by hearing loss.

Project members