Emeritus Professor Jenny Strong

Researcher biography
Jenny was appointed Professor of Occupational Therapy in 1997. At the end of 2015, Jenny took early retirement from UQ. In January 2016, she was awarded the title of Emeritus Professor of The University of Queensland. Jenny is now using her time to facilitate and enable a new generation of clinical occupational therapists to appraise and utilise research evidence in their practice, and to conduct clinical research and generate new evidence to inform practice. In addition, she continues to guide a growing group of research higher degree students, while focusing more time upon her own research in the area of chronic pain.
Her research has primarily focused upon the impact which chronic pain has upon a person's life; the attendant measurement of that pain, and the efficacy of different treatment approaches. Jenny was recognised as a Distinguished Member of the Australian Pain Society in 2014, for her contribution to pain management education and research in Australia.